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The Jar - Healthy Vending Trends: what's the next healthy hit? 🔮


Updated: Mar 6, 2021

The world has indeed changed in the past year. Will it all ever be the same? Surely, no! And this is somewhat a good thing.

Don't get us wrong, but just look at all those nifty enthusiasts who used the pandemic opportunity to bring forth some amazing and practical healthy discoveries!

In this week's trends review, The Jar - Healthy Vending team wants to dive into the updates in our favourite health-related categories and try anticipate the next biggest trends to watch out for.

One lesson all of us took away from the grand 2020 experience is how important it is to keep an eye on your health, body and immune system.

All that hype about probiotics and superfoods is no longer just something vegans discuss after a yoga-class, but rather a kind of mainstream common-knowledge. And it will not go away until next year, for sure. Bone broths, mushrooms tonics anything edible that has a healing touch to it will surely be only trending next year.


So, imagine a product that is organic, probiotic packed, vegan and gluten-free. In other words - an epitome of healthy in 2020. Yep, that's kombucha - a fermented, lightly effervescent, sweetened black or green tea drink. And despite the fact, that it doesn't sound as groundbreaking already - it will only get bigger.

The Jar - Healthy Vending Verdict: a hundred times yes! If you haven't tried it already - JARR kombucha should be your next post-lunch treat.

Broccoli coffee

Coffee seems like it's starting to get the pinch of healthy spotlight. But with a bigger twist - superfood-infused.The broccoli coffee was initially developed in Australia as a way to increase vegetable consumption. And has since gained some early mainstream traction.

The Jar - Healthy Vending Verdict: Broccoli coffee is just one of many growing coffee alternatives. Who knows, maybe eventually the pros of coffee will outweigh the long-debated cons.

Upcycled food

Alright, your first thought upon reading this sub heading was right - food companies are learning how to upcycle food scraps such as stems, leaves and pulp. And soon, we will be getting edible and delicious upcycled snacks. Like

The Jar - Healthy Vending Verdict: some parts of veggies or fruits we are used to throwing away actually contain more fibre and vitamins that the fruit itself - like apple's skin. So yeah, we totally support it.

Healthy Vending in London, UK

The world of nutrition is ever changing. And we believe, it is good that people are discovering what suits their biochemistry best. Despite the fact that nutrition is more of a personal issue which should have an individualised approach, the basic principles remain the same - balance of carbs, fats and protein. However, we can’t miss an opportunity to tell you about those new diet plans emerging in the web space:


Basically, a plant based version of ketogenic diet. The key idea is that plants, as renowned disease fighters are the key to health. What this diet strives to achieve is leveraging the benefits of a high fat diet without inflammatory effects of diary and processed meats.

The Jar - Healthy Vending Verdict: it makes sense. Worth a try, plus our Beetroot Quinoa from Pollen&Grace salad fits perfectly to the description.

The MIND Diet

They say, this diet is what would happen if the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet had a brain-health-focused baby. Basically, there is nothing new to it except the low sodium twist with a huge focus on fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, well-sourced fish and low-fat, low sodium dairy. Anything that makes your brain work better is also a part of it - think turmeric, dark chocolate, broccoli and Omega 3s.

The Jar Verdict: sounds just like any other proper healthy diet, doesn't it?

And we shall cover more healthy trends in the next post!

Stay trendy with The Jar - Healthy Vending!

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