Research has shown that there are approximately half a million vending machines here in the UK which sell more than 7 billion items every year.
They are highly convenient and are stacked full of chocolates, crisps and sugary drinks which may taste good, especially when you are hungry and in a rush, but over time have a significant detrimental impact on your health and wellbeing.
They continue to be a popular choice amongst teenagers and adults for purchasing snacks on the go and a traditional vending machine can be found in most public places. If you have a school, college, university, office, factory, hospital, gym or other public place, then you need to consider healthy vending machines in London.
If you already have a conventional vending machine then you need to consider replacing it with healthy vending machines in London. The snacks and drinks found in traditional vending machines are low in nutrition, and high in fat, salt and sugar. Healthy vending machines in London can replace unhealthy snacks with healthy, nutritious and delicious treats and meals, as well as tasty smoothies and milk drinks. Speak to us at The Jar today and find out more.
The problem with traditional vending machines
Promoting better health for the public is advantageous for all. We need to look after the health of our future generations and we need to look after our own health too. By providing healthy options to replace chocolates, crisps and fizzy drinks you will be able to promote better health for the public. The snacks and drinks found in traditional vending machines cause an array of health issues when consumed on a regular basis over time. They can result in obesity, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many life-threatening illnesses which can be avoided or prevented by healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle.
Why healthy vending machines with The Jar?
Speak to us at The Jar and find out about healthy vending machines in London for you. We are able to provide our healthy vending machines at no cost to your venue. Our vending machines are fully managed and monitored by ourselves on a 24-hour basis using our remote online monitoring system.
Our vending machines are environmentally friendly, they are modern and attractive and they are packed full of healthy, nutritious and delicious treats, meals and drinks. We have an extensive menu which caters for all dietary needs and either you can choose items for your vending machine or we can put together an individually tailored stock list for you. By monitoring online we can restock the vending machine as necessary and we can change the stock list according to public demand.
Our vending machines are looked after by ourselves and all we ask from you is one square metre of free space and a point for the machine to be plugged into. We will take care of the rest on your behalf. Speak to us today to find out more about getting a modern lifestyle vending machine for your venue or replacing your traditional vending machine with one containing much healthier produce.