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How to stay productive with the Jar Healthy Vending


Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Finding yourself procrastinating all the time while self-isolation? We know how tough it is to stay sane during these times of obligatory quarantine in the most part of the world. The Jar Healthy Vending team can’t stop missing our lovely office and working side by side with our favourite people. Who knew it was all so real when we were writing about quarantine routine in one of our previous blog posts.

Some say you should not pressure yourself now to be productive as it is the time of the crisis and the best we can do is to find mindfulness and relax. One part of it is definitely true – we should find our inner peace to be able to cope with the conditions we were put in without our own free will. But does it mean we all should indulge in idleness? We would definitely disagree!

Everyone can choose for themselves, but we do want to promote this period of our lives as a period of self-development rather than of self-destruction. Thus, we came up with few personal tips on how to stay productive even when sofa is beckoning you and Netflix has just released new season of “La casa de papel”.

Choose the right outfit

The Jar Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

“To keep myself in a mood for work I adapted my everyday patterns to the new reality. First of all, I try to make it look like I am actually going to work. I wake up, do all the regular procedures and then I dress up as if I was leaving the house. The point of keeping your office attire is very important for me to be able to perform at the same level at home. First days of quarantine I was simply staying in my pjs and, moreover, was not really leaving my bed. Once I nearly fell asleep on one of the evening team calls and only then I realized maybe somethings was wrong. So, if you found yourself with eyes closed halfway through the day laying on your bed, try simply to change your style from lounge wear to office style. Worked more than better for me.”

– Sofia

Take a walk outside

The Jar Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

“I feel like my physical activity went so down comparing to when I was going to meetings with potential buyers every other day. After few days at home I found myself without even much of desire to leave it. I decided that this procrastination should stop and made put two 20 min walks per day to my schedule: one before work and one after. In the morning it does help me to fully wake up brain and sort out if I forgot to add something to my plan for a day. In the evening it helps to switch my mood from work to pleasure and finally enjoy so gorgeous spring in London.”


Optimise your cooking time

The Jar Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

“One thing I realised actually takes time during quarantine is cooking. Cooking breakfast, cooking lunch and cooking dinner – I feel like I am cooking all the time cooking and not working. So far, I’ve learned few tricks on how to minimise the time spent on preparing my food:

- Make a menu for a week to know what and when you need to cook:

When you know what you should prepare, you know how much time you need for it and how to adjust your timetable.

- Prepare lunch for two days instead of one:

I was doing new lunch every day, but it doesn’t worth it. Can be boring sometimes to eat the same for two days in a row but imagine two hours less of cooking. Was a great solution for my routine.

- Try to make your breakfast in the evening:

I now started to learn the recipes for breakfasts that don’t take much of your morning time. For example, I make chia pudding in the evening, so I should only take it out from the fridge in the morning.”


We hope that our advice will help you to go through this crisis and stay productive when you need to do so. Don’t forget we are all in these together and the best we can do is to support each other. What are you tips for surviving the quarantine?


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